MYRM Team 2 Interview

{mosimage articles/myrm2.jpg SLQ (left) and bre4k3r pose for the camera}

This article was originally written by Shawn “LoOnEyToOnZ” Ho.

Today we speak with DOTA Clan Myrmidons Team 2, led by bre4k3r and consists of Ao, versionX,, and Elven.Following Myrmidons’ win at the World Cyber Games AMD Community Center DOTA and seed at the National Finals, everyone is eager to find outmore about this 2nd team Myrmidons is sending out. So we managed to grab hold of bre4k3r after their registration on the WCG open qualifiers.

Let’s start with an introduction of yourself and your clan. You are?

I am bre4k3r from Clan Myrmidons Team 2. Our clan name “Myrmidons” represents the fiercest warriors of greek, loyal and carries out orders without question.

When did you setup your team and how did you meet up?

Team 1 gathered us from different places and placed us into this team. The team is closely knitted and we are bonding nicely.

How is your team preparing for the WCG open qualifiers?

We set a training schedule everyday night to gather all 5 members. Team 1 have guided us alot through the tactical play of matches. We believe that success comes through hard work.

How far do you think your team can go for WCG this year?

As far as possible. No matter what we will do our best.

Will you guys join any other gaming competitions?

Yes we will be playing in GXLeague Season 3 and any other competitions as and when there are.

Will you continue gaming and keep your clan in the future after your national service and studies?

Yes. Gaming is a lifelong passion and even if we move to other games in the future we will remain loyal to MYRM.

It has been nice speaking with you, good luck for the WCG qualifiers!

You can visit us @ Thanks to Gamesync and also our sponsor LanLab Online!

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