Zenith tramples over Micronology


[b]SINGAPORE[/b] – Zenith emerged relatively unscathed over Micronology in a semi-final clash between the titans at the Compaq AMD Pro-Gaming League 2007/08 Summer Season.

The friendly rivalry between Micronology and Zenith has been heating up for some time. Some major clashes include Zenith defeating Micronology at the semi-final stage of the Intel Gaming Cup 2007 Grand Finals and Micronology defeating Zenith at the Virtualand East Coast DotA Clash.

Both teams were clearly nervous, as the winner of the clash was almost certain to go on to win the Summer Season Elite Category. Numerous mistakes were made by both Micronology and Zenith, sometimes humourous, sometimes leaving spectators wonder what the players could be thinking.

Eventually, Zenith’s Bristleback, played by zx, managed to farm up, getting a Reaver and Sacred Relic by the 23rd minute. From there onwards, the previously quiet Bristleback played a huge role in the game.

The Bristleback constantly forced Micronology to spend gold on Scrolls of Town Portals to protect their structures and pull back all 5 heroes to defend against his solo pushes.

With a fully equipped Bristleback and other heroes overfarmed and overleveled relative to Micronlogy, Zenith forced Micronology to concede the game at the 38 minute mark. From there, the match was over in just over 10 minutes, with Zenith clearing all of Micronology’s barracks and destroying the Frozen Throne.

Micronology drafted Omniknight, Queen of Pain, Sand King, Silencer and Zeus. Zenith drafted Bristleback, Nerubian Assassin, Priestess of the Moon, Spectre and Warlock.

Zenith will most likely go on to emerge as champions of the Elite Category, with an upset by KnightMare- in the finals seen as extremely unlikely.

[*][url=http://www.gamesync.net/2007/07/14/news/scoreboard-capl-07-08-summer-season]Scoreboard: CAPL 07/08 Summer Season[/url] (gamesync.net)[/list]

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