Girlyluck emerges KODE5 SEA WC3 champion

Abdul “girlyluck” Hakim defeated opponent sekret]nickT 2-0 to be crowned the Warcraft III champion of what was a straightforward KODE5 Southeast Asia regional qualifier.

girlyluck shutout his opponents all the way to the finals, first defeating darkstrive.dive in the quarter-finals, then Malaysian PIN in the semi-finals before coming up against nickT in the finals.

girlyluck, however, was denied the chance to seek a rematch against fsk3.gosubay, who stole this year’s World Cyber Games Singapore crown from him. gosubay was defeated 2-0 by PIN in the quarter-fianls.

In the first map of the finals, girlyluck and nickT met on Terenas Stand with a Night Elf mirror match. girlyluck showed that he remains one of the top Night Elves in Singapore and defeated nickT. In the second map, on Gnoll Wood, girlyluck played Night Elf again, while nickT picked Orc. girlyluck took the map and the match easily.

girlyluck will be flying down to Russia next year in February to take part in the KODE5 SEA global finals.

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