wH. is L4D Zombie Mania champion

Team wallHackers (wH.) came from over 1,500 points behind Vertex.GWSG to win the Zombie Mania Left 4 Dead competition only just concluded at Aloha Cybercafe.

The finals were played on the Blood Harvest versus campaign. Vertex started out strongly and took a 2570 to 1036 lead over wH. by the end of the second map. However, wH. played defensively and did not allow Vertex to widen their lead. By the end of the fourth map of Blood Harvest, Vertex were still only leading by about 1,500 points.

On the final farmhouse finale, wH.’s defensive play and perservance was finally rewarded when they were able to pull off a 3+1 combo on Vertex – basically, 3 Hunters and a Smoker simultaneously incapacitating all 4 Survivors at once. wH. took full advantage of this and escaped with the entire team when it was their turn to play the Survivors, finally turning the tables on Vertex and winning by a narrow margin of 6511 to 6134.

wH. leader Glen “Madcapp” Seetoh described wH.’s comeback as “really unexpected”. He explained that they were expecting to lose and were just trying to hold their ground and play for the sake of it. wH. also explained that their poor performance earlier in the game was due to Madcapp being unable to lead the team as his microphone did not work. A swapping of seats made after Blood Harvest 2 solved this though.

wH. took away a S$400 cash prize for winning the tournament, while second-placed Vertex.GWSG won for themselves S$200 worth of GameWerks vouchers and Left 4 Dead mousepads.

You can read GameSync’s live updates on the tournament at our Facebook page or on the @gamesync Twitter page.

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