WCG SAFRA: VCO vs 2EZ match report

Here’s a brief match report and score breakdown for the WCG SAFRA Champions League TF2 finals between Fifth Company (VCO) and 2EZ.

Set 1

2EZ started out strongly in the first set, taking two rounds on cp_granary before VCO started to fight back and managed to equalize the scores to 2-2. However, 2EZ clearly had the upperhand with their superior firepower and pressuring abilities, taking the last round of cp_granary to make it 3-2.

2EZ continued with their momentum with the next map in the set, cp_badlands, taking two rounds from VCO on cp_badlands leaving VCO no time to answer as the timer ran out. It was victory for 2EZ in the first set with an aggregate score of 5-2 against VCO.

VCO 1 1
2EZ 1 1 1
Final score: VCO 2-3 2EZ
2EZ 1 1
Final score: VCO 0-2 2EZ

Aggregate: 2EZ 5 – 2 VCO

Set 2

Since the tournament format was double elimination and VCO had the upper bracket advantage, 2EZ had to win another set to win the match and the finals. The second set was played with the same map cycles.

At the start of set two, it appeared that VCO had totally lost its fighting spirit, with 2EZ basically steamrolling VCO for two straight rounds on cp_granary once again. All hope seemed lost for VCO at this point, but the team surprised everyone by turning the tables on 2EZ with a change in strategy. VCO finally matched 2EZ’s level of firepower and brought the battle to them, taking two straight rounds. 2EZ played the last round cautiously, however, and were rewarded with the final point, taking cp_granary 3-2.

By now VCO was back in contention for the title and the team was clearly reinvigorated as they went into cp_badlands. Compared to the first set’s Badlands, VCO performed far better but 2EZ were not about to give in. VCO took the first two rounds after a very difficult fight that saw capture points constantly being traded

At this point 2EZ seemed to be unnerved by VCO’s sudden lead (4-3 on aggregate) and lost the last round fairly quick compared to the previous two, leading to VCO winning 3-0 on cp_badlands and winning the match 5-3 on aggregate.

VCO 1 1
2EZ 1 1 1
Final score: VCO 2-3 2EZ
VCO 1 1 1
Final score: VCO 3-0 2EZ

Aggregate: VCO 5 – 3 2EZ

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  • Neth

    Tough and close match !