You know you have been playing too much Left 4 Dead when…
1. You freak out and start looking around when you hear a car alarm go off
2. You see a little girl crying at the mall and you take the long way even though the shop is right ahead so you can avoid her
3. You never leave home without pills
4. You only feel safe when there is a No Smoking sign near you
5. You feel the sudden urge to go out a buy a vest
6. You feel the need to shout ‘reloading’ when you are playing shooting games
7. You are constantly taking note of places which would make good cover
8. You never ever use a flashlight
9. You yell “Boomer!”, when you hear someone belch
10. You fly into a rage and deny vehemently when someone asks if you are a smoker
11. You jump when you hear the words “Boomer”, “Tank”, “Witch” and “Hunter”
12. You avoid metal detectors at all costs
13. You look in the nearest closet when you can’t find your friend
14. You need a team of four to visit the mall
15. You feel the need to close every door you go through
16. You see a table and you start looking for guns and ammo
17. You hear and plane flying above you and expect it to crash any moment
18. You hear someone cough and stare at him suspiciously
19. You begin stocking up on gas and propane tanks
20. You read this list and are wondering what else is missing
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