Steam summer sale finally begins

Steam summer sale 2011

The Steam summer sale has finally begun, and Valve has chosen to go with a summer camp theme this year. Like all of the Steam Store’s recent promotions, you are invited to participate — no purchase necessary — for rewards by playing selected games on Steam over the next 10 days. Read on for the details.

Keeping with the summer camp theme, Valve has created a Summer Camp Prize Booth where you can trade in three tickets for the prize of your choice. These prizes range from in-game items, such as the obligatory Team Fortress 2 hat, to new maps and missions for games like Homefront and Magicka. There’s even a new character pack for Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.

And just how do you earn tickets? It turns out that Valve has worked with various developers to include special Steam achievements in their games. Each achievement unlocked will earn you one ticket, and there should be six new summer achievements revealed every day. Based on my experience with the Bit.Trip Beat summer camp “activity” today, the achievements are basic tasks and should be easy to complete.

If you’re the kind who’s quick to dismiss participatory promotions like this one as gimmicks, not to worry. There’s still the standard daily deals, publisher discount packs and whole-catalogue sales to empty your wallets.

This year’s Steam summer sale will be on until 10 July. That’s ten days of hurt for my wallet. Sigh.

Planning to buy any games? Do share your purchases in the comments below!

Have your say. Add your comments:

  • Wei-Meng

    I, for one, already bought Bit.Trip Runner, since it’s on the daily deal list. Been eyeing this for awhile, it’s too good a deal to pass up at just $2.50!

  • Jin

    Awesome stuff! Fei is gonna buy me beat trip beat woohoo! <3 him

  • GFoppy

    The Serious Ssam 2 and Killing Floor skin packs look nice…