This article was originally written by ”Shift” Han Wei Siew.
Match Summary
1st half: (CT) X3.gaming 6 – 9 PdM (T)
2nd half: (T) X3.gaming 2 – 7 PdM (CT)
Final score: X3.gaming 8 – 16 PdM
First Half
The 1st round PdM wasted no time with a quick mid to ladder rush targetting the inner bombsite. However, each team had already 4 players gunned downed each. Bigfish was able to emerge and gunned downed the last of X3 and winning the 1st round with a clutch. A money strapped X3 eco rushed house but was no match for PdM who already guns up. X3 tried another eco rush this time from alley. The rush from alley looks more fruitful as they managed to kill 3 of PdM players, however it was not enough for X3 to cliched the win.
The 4th round saw an amazing one on one battle between Yuiho and Flaky. The winner was Yuiho whiched killed Flaky and forced X3 to another eco. The eco rush to alley this time was not so effective as PdM was already expecting one. The 5th round undoubtly went to PdM. X3 changed their playing style to a more passive stance. Their patience paid of as they won the round when the timer ran out. Again X3 played passively and won the round mainly due to Ruky fast backup which prevented the bomb from planting.
The 8th round saw an amazing clutch by Helljumper in which he killed 3 people in the Upper bomdsite and managed to defuse the bomb,winning the round for X3. PdM decided to rush middle this time which almost ended a disaster if not for Skate. The bomb was dropped in middle and Skate was able to save the round in the nick of time by pulling off an amazing clutch, killing Marv. PdM quickly made a fast inner rush a managed to get the bomb planted which eventually led them to a win. A wonderful show of skills by Jensen in the 11th round , killing 4 PdM players for
the win.
PdM decided to rush the inner bombsite again which was X3 “weak spot”. The exploitation of the “weak spot” made way to another win by PdM. The second last round saw the bomb being dropped at ladder which gave X3 the upper hand. Great guarding of the bomb credited to the win by X3. A desperate move by X3 saw all 5 players eco guarding inner, however it was not enough for PdM firepower which eventually attributed to the win by PdM. X3 realised that their “weak spot” was at inner and quickly bolster its defence. As expected PdM rushed inner but because of this
time strengthened defence, PdM inner rush was stopped and X3 won the round.
Second Half
The 1st round saw X3 using the same tactic as PdM in the 1st round pulling off a mid to ladder rush. However it failed. X3 decided to hold house for the 2nd round. They managed to get the bomb planted but was unable to hold off PdM attack. The bomb was eventually defuse and PdM won the round. However, a good eco by X3. X3 did the same tactic as the 2nd round, apporoaching to the inner bombsite slowly. A disaster was prevented when Marv pulled off a clutch for X3 winning the round. A rush by X3 to the outer bombsite saw the bomb being planted. X3 was able to hold off PdM attack and the bomb exploded with minimal causualty in X3. The 5th round saw PdM adapting to X3 playing style.
PdM knew that X3 was playing passively and decided to rush them with full force. This eventually led to a win to PdM. X3 eco rushed inner on the 7th round. They were able to ge the bomb planted, however, was unable to hold up long enough and PdM was able to defuse the bomb. Nonetheless a good eco as they managed to plant the bomb.
A rush to outer by X3 was stopped almost immediately and ended in failure. X3 tried a combination to surround PdM as they rushed mid and alley at the same time. However X3 was unable to pull of this feat as PdM quickly gunned every one of them down. A desperate move by X3 saw them holding rush trying to play passively, even so, PdM already adapted to their passive playing style and was able to elimate X3.
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