The game titles for the 2008 World Cyber Games Asian Championship, as well as the inclusion of Japan and Taiwan, were announced earlier this month.
In a welcome change, Virtual Fighter 5 will replace Dead or Alive in the Asian Championship, following the global game title change announced earlier this year.
Showing once again how big DotA Allstars has become in Asia, the Warcraft III custom map was included for the third year running despite never having been an official WCG game.
Traditional staples FIFA and Need for Speed will be getting an update, with FIFA 08 and Need for Speed Pro-Street to be played this year.
However, fans of traditional RTS matchups will be disappointed to note that Warcraft III has been dropped, and will not be replaced with another RTS. Instead, Guitar Hero III will be taking its place on the main stage come this August.
Read the official announcement at asian.worldcybergames.com.
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