iceiceice wins StarCraft II Singapore LAN tournament

December 2011 StarCraft II Singapore LAN

Daryl “iceiceice” Koh won the StarCraft II Singapore LAN tournament after defeating opponent aLtHan 2-0 in yesterday at Mystery Box Gaming Club.

The tournament was organised by BarCraft Singapore #1 organiser Alexandre “Frogmite” Dumont. A total of 29 players participated in what was the first community-organised offline StarCraft II tournament in Singapore since shoutcaster Joseph “HDPhoenixx” Chan closed Mothership Studios due to work commitments.

Due to a late start and a lack of time, the double elimination tournament format was abridged to best-of-three matches in the winners’ bracket while only being a best-of-one in the losers’ bracket. Most participants took this change graciously and the tournament concluded without incident.

Here are the results and the prize distribution breakdown:

  • 1st place: iceiceice – S$200
  • 2nd place: aLtHan – S$100
  • 3rd place: aLtDementia – S$50
  • 4th place: Revenant – S$50

We also managed to interview Flash e-Sports’s StarCraft II players, Ian “Muse” Ang and Marcus “Revenant” Tan, so stay tuned for the videos to be uploaded over the next few days!

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