First Impressions at WCG 2005 Singapore Finals

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I’m on site at the World Cyber Games 2005 Singapore ChampionshipNational Finals at Suntec Exhibition Hall 401, observing the bustling activity that is now going on. Here’s the report on my experience so far.

I arrived at the Suntec Exhibtion Centre at about 3pm. After a quick call to Mr Herman Ng, Managing Director of Rapture Gaming Pte Ltd, the organizer for the World Cyber Games 2005 Singapore National Finals, to inform him
that I was coming, I made my way to Hall 401, where the prepations for the National Finals were underway.

The previous day, staff from Rapture Gaming were busy at work doing the hall markings to guide the contractors from the various vendors and sponsors on where to set up shop.

Walking out from the elevator, the familiar sight of the WCG logo placed at the gates to Hall 401 greeted me.

Once I stepped through the doors, the imposing Samsung booth immediately caught my attention. A towering work of fine lines and tasteful lighting, it is definitely the most impressive booth out. Nearby was the Creative booth still under construction, with a massive poster showing off their latest “Xtreme Fidelity” line of sound cards, targeted at the individual who takes gaming seriously. The AMD booth to the right of the hall had a huge backdrop featuring the AMD64 FX processor. Just behind the AMD booth is the Ablerex and DFI booths, with their display counters all ready.

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Sidestepping the busy construction and carpentry work going on, I approached the hexagonal competition area. Boxes of electronic equipment were stacked area the place. Staff from Rapture Gaming were setting up a total of 140 computers, spread out over 14 islands in 5 arms in a fan shape. Setting up the vast array of monitors, cpus, speakers and peripherals was no small task – and on top of that, the 140 computers all have to be networked and linked to the central server cluster, where the SMC switches were placed. Can you say cable management chaos?

Samsung plasma screens are placed all around the competition area for spectators to view the fierce matches going on within the area. The competition area should look very nice once all the work is done. To the right of the competition area the stage area was being set up, with carpenters just putting up the stage backdrop.

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Herman was busy bringing together all the efforts of the past half year or so, with his phone ringing non-stop, and various sponsors, vendors, contractors, staffs and helpers all vying for his attention. Mr Adrian Tang, also from Rapture Gaming, was busy working on the emcee scripts on a laptop at the server cluster. I might add that I too am writing this article at the server cluster, right next to Adrian.

Everything is coming together beautifully so far for a magnificent WCG Singapore National Finals, so see you there on Thursday night’s opening ceremony!

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