[b]Some of the Intel Gaming Cup 2007 Open Category [url=http://www.gamesync.net/replay?filter3=281]replays[/url] are now available for download. There are still a number of replays yet to be uploaded, as they cannot be opened.[/b]
Apparently it errors out, saying that the filename doesn’t exist, when it clearly does. We will be working with Rapture Gaming officials to find a potential solution for those who are hungry to view these replays.
Also, a new feature has been added to the [url=http://www.gamesync.net/replay]Replays section[/url]. As you know, GameSync has been tagging DotA replays by the teams that played in each match. Now, we will start tagging the players that participated in each match as well.
We believe that by building up our replay collection and tagging by both team and player, the GameSync replay library will eventually become a valuable research tool for players and teams to discover their strengths and weaknesses, as well as to spot their next match opponent’s weaknesses.
You can help identify players and “smurf” teams by commenting on each individual replay, we will evaluate each comment and make the necessary changes. If you are interested in helping out with building up the GameSync replay library, please drop an email to [email][email protected][/email].
[list][*][url=http://www.gamesync.net/replay?filter3=281]IGC Open Category replays[/url][/list]
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