Uncategorized Archive

GOG.com is your Santa

No seriously, GOG.com just gave news that they have something special for us. For a limited time only till 24 December, you can nab Tex Murphy 1+2 for the low, low price of absolutely FREE.

You heard that right. Here's your chance to try out a praised old-school adventure game at no cost.

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We want your suggestions and feedback!

Do you think we suck? Or do you think GameSync.net is the best thing since sliced bread? Or maybe you just think we should do something really cool! Either way, it's now possible for you to give your feedback by clicking on the Feedback tab floating at the left-hand side of our website (see image for details).

For the longest time now GameSync.net has been operating like a walled garden. In order to post comments and stuff you had to register and there was no easy way you could give feedback directly on the website. This is part of an effort to improve and serve your needs … Read more »

Warning: Do not ignore your girlfriend!

Guys, no matter what you do, no matter how much you love playing video games, never ever ignore your girlfriend, unless you want to end up like the guy in the video.

Glimmerous.Fop is so lucky. He spends hours everyday playing his PlayStation 3 but then so does his girlfriend.

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