Front Page Archive

GameSync L4D Survival Mode leaderboards

GameSync will publish a aggregated Left 4 Dead Survival Mode leaderboard, tentatively at the end of each month, for everyone who reads GameSync to find out where they stand among each other. Read on for information on registering yourself with the leaderboard. Read more »

Update preparing to turn TF2 into an MMORPG?

Shitty artist's impression of Demoman wearing Afro unique headgear. (Graphic: Lee Wei Meng/GameSync)
The recently rolled-out patch for Team Fortress 2 features the ability to delete those hard-earned achievement unlocks from your inventory permanently and reworked the character loadout screens to support future releases – which one Steam Forums user's delving of the game files has revealed to be "lootable" items and unique headgear for all classes, among other things. Read more »