StarCraft II Archive

No BlizzCon in 2012, World Championships spin-off to be held instead

Blizzard’s highly popular annual convention, BlizzCon, will be taking taking a break in 2012, the company announced on its website. Blizzard highlighted its “jam-packed schedule” as the reason why, with three of its games, Diablo III, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, and World of WarCraft: Mists of Panderia, all currently in simultaneous development. […] Read more »

Video interview with StarCraft II player Ian “Muse” Ang

No Game No Talk managed to get Flash e-Sports’s Ian “Muse” Ang to speak with NGNT’s Philibert “DA” Santhanaraj about the December 2011 StarCraft II Singapore LAN tournament, the lack of a real esports scene in Singapore and his team mate Marcus “Revenant” Tan on the sidelines of the StarCraft II LAN tournament last Sunday. Read more »

Singapore’s first ever BarCraft: photos and recap

Singapore’s first ever BarCraft — a gathering to watch StarCraft II in a bar or pub — happened last Saturday. Organiser Alexandre “Frogmite” Dumont expected “maybe a dozen” to turn up, but over 50 people attended the event in the end. Here are some photos of the event, graciously provided by Shi Chun, who is […] Read more »