H.I.G.H: The next level of gaming

[b]H.I.G.H Cyber Lounge was officially launched today at its premises at 19 East Coast Road, promising a unique brand of gaming and entertainment lifestyle never before seen or experienced in Singapore.[/b]

As you open the door of H.I.G.H the first thing that greets you is the sound of chill out music. Designer lighting accentuates the dominantly white, sleek decor of the place. Directly ahead is the lounge area complete with a pool table, table football, lots of cozy benches and tables and a large projector screen. The bar serves non-alcoholic beverages and beer, and will be expanding its menu to include mocktail, cocktails, liquor and finger food in the future.

This sleek experience is also carried over into the gaming part of H.I.G.H. All terminals are powered by Intel Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors and come equipped with a 19-inch Samsung LCD, Altec Lansing speakers as well as Microsoft Comfort Curve keyboard and laser mouse. Once logged in you are greeted by a well-designed custom user interface which gives you a brief introduction to the games available and allows you to launch your game of choice. Rooms partitioned off from the main area are available for booking for those who wish to play in private.

[center][url=http://www.gamesync.net/node/68][img]http://www.gamesync.net/system/files/images/2006-09-08_HIGH03.thumbnail.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.gamesync.net/node/70][img]http://www.gamesync.net/system/files/images/2006-09-08_HIGH05.thumbnail.jpg[/img][/url][/center]

“You can’t game and then chill out at current cyber cafes, but at H.I.G.H you can. What we are trying to do is to bring together both kinds of lifestyles,” says Mr. Andrew Cheah, who is part of the management of H.I.G.H. Mr. Cheah also revealed that in the future H.I.G.H will be looking at conducting team building workshops and hosting small events, exhibitions, product launches and functions to complement the lifestyle aspect of the cyber lounge. Hosting high profile gaming competitions such as WCG, ESWC and the like are also in the cards.

During the launch event, Miss Karen Teo from Microsoft revealed that H.I.G.H would be one of two gaming centres where the Xbox 360 console would be rolled out in. It was also revealed by the CyberSports Association that H.I.G.H would be used as the official training ground for Cyber Team Singapore.

Gaming will be priced at S$2.50 per hour for the open area, and S$3.50 per hour per PC for the private rooms. Food and beverages available at the bar will be competitively priced and similar to the price at bars and clubs.

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