Zenith Crowned Champions of DotA League Season 3

[b]Zenith was crowned the champions of DotA League Season 3 this afternoon, with Geminga* taking 2nd place while rEv0 defeated T@x!S~ to take the third placing.[/b]

[center][url=http://www.gamesync.net/node/203][img]http://www.gamesync.net/system/files/images/2006-12-31_dls302.thumbnail.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.gamesync.net/node/206][img]http://www.gamesync.net/system/files/images/2006-12-31_dls305.thumbnail.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://www.gamesync.net/node/221][img]http://www.gamesync.net/system/files/images/2006-12-31_dls320.thumbnail.jpg[/img][/url][/center]

The Guest of Honour, Mr. Teo Ser Luck, Parlimentary Secretary for MCYS and the Minister of Parliment for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, as well as special guests Mr. Michael Palmer and Mr. Charles Chong, both Ministers of Parliment for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, were also on hand to witness the competitors battling for the honour of being crowned the champions of the tournament. While at the competition grounds, they also tried their hands at the FIFA ’07 Xbox 360 game. Later, Mr. Teo made an impromptu speech, saying that he hoped that the Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC would be able to play host to more of such events, and presented the prizes to the winners.

The finals results are:[list]
[*]1st: Zenith
[*]2nd: Geminga*
[*]3rd: rEv0[/list]
[url=http://www.gamesync.net/image/tid/41]Photos from the finals of today’s competitions are available for viewing here[/url].

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