[b]The Intel Gaming Cup will move to Woodlands Community Centre for the next leg of the tournament.[/b]
The Woodlands CC IGC leg will be played on DotA Allstars v6.40. There will be 16 slots available for the Woodlands Community Centre leg. The registration fee is S$50. Interested participants can sign up [url=http://www.esportsc.com/index.php?option=com_tournament&Itemid=37]here[/url].
As with previous the IGC tournaments, the top two teams will get S$200 each and be seeded into the Grand Finals, which will be held at H.I.G.H Cyber Lounge. In a departure from previous tournaments however, teams that do not make it into the top two will stand another chance. They will be automatically entered into the IGC open category.
In other news, the prizes for the IGC Grand Finals have been finalized. They are:[list][*][b]1st Prize:[/b] S$2000.00 cash + trophy
[*][b]2nd Prize:[/b] S$1000.00 cash
[*][b]3rd Prize:[/b] S$500.00 cash
[*][b]4th Prize:[/b] S$250.00 cash[/list]
[b]Related Links[/b][list]
[*][url=http://www.rapturegaming.com/intelgamingcup/]Intel Gaming Cup[/url] (intelgamingcup.com)
[*][url=http://www.esportsc.com/index.php?option=com_tournament&Itemid=37]IGC registration[/url] (esportsc.com)[/list]
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