Getting the most out of your gaming experience

Shadowloo Showdown 2011 crowd

Many casual gamers underrate the importance belonging to a gaming community has. As a result, most players never get fully involved with a particular game. Instead of developing a loyalty to a certain game they like,  they constantly switch their interests and thus start to develop a loyalty not to any particular game but just the new games that come out.

In my opinion, being actively involved in a community makes your overall gaming experience far more enjoyable and worthwhile. Firstly its nice to know that you can still follow something you’re passionate about when you’re at work or not in the gaming mood by simply reading forums or the latest news and developments on your favourite community sites. If your real life friends don’t play the game you now have a vast network of potential friends to make who enjoy the game just as much as you do. Playing with friends who share  the same interests as you always makes your gaming experience more enjoyable and you can finally find equally skilled players or teammates to play with.

You can also learn a lot as its common for the better players to write articles and share their knowledge on these sites, allowing you to improve your  game. When you get better yourself, you can take pride  in participating and helping others as well as have the satisfaction of being recognized and acknowledged in your respective community. This naturally results in players who are active in a community ending up playing a particular game for a far longer time then players who “lurk” or aren’t active, giving them far more value for the game they paid for as they ended up playing much longer! Its also nice to find a site you call “home” where you feel you belong.  So how can I join these sites and where do I find them?

Here’s a list of  some popular community sites you can start getting involved with today!

HoN communities: – Biggest HoN Community (Official site) – Biggest SEA Community

LoL communities: – Biggest LoL Community (Official site) – Biggest SEA Community

StarCraft II communities: – Biggest International Community with a focus on covering the Korean Pro-Scene – Biggest SEA Community where all the top local  Singaporean players such as iceiceice and Revenant participate in.

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