Made in Singapore: Street Fighter X Megaman announced; Local gamer behind project

Street Fighter X Megaman

There is nothing more inspiring than seeing a fellow Singaporean making his mark on one of gaming’s biggest franchises. Zong-Hui Seow (better known by his nickname Sonic) is the brains behind what could be one of the best Capcom crossovers of all time. Capcom has announced on their Capcom Unity blog that Street Fighter X Megaman will soon be available on PCs for free!

We have to thank Zong-Hui, who is currently in his final year of studies at Nanyang Technological University, for bringing this original, truly ingenious project to life. According to Capcom Unity, Zong-Hui approached Christian Svensson, Senior Vice President of Consumer Software at Capcom USA back at EVO 2012 with the skeleton of SFxMM running on a laptop. Long story short, Capcom liked what they saw and the fan-made game will be released with the full backing of the gaming giant.

The game is designed in an 8-bit style, with a chiptune soundtrack provided by A_Rival, who mixed Street Fighter and Megaman tunes to provide a fitting backdrop to the game. Eight new weapons will be available for Megaman, and in classic Megaman style, each weapon acquired will be inspired by the respective Street Fighter defeated.

The game’s release also coincides with the end of Street Fighter’s 25th anniversary and the beginning of Megaman’s 25th anniversary.

While Megaman fans might feel that they have gotten the short end of the stick over the last few years, hopefully this release is sign of bigger and greater things to come.

Street Fighter X Megaman will be released on the 17th of December. Keep that date marked on your calendars!

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