Review Archive

Skyrim: Wish you were here (Part 2)

After more than a good ninety-two hours of being cooped up in a dark room with nothing but chips and Mountain Dew serving as my only form of sustenance, I finally emerged from my lair and strode forth into the real world… well… for little over ten minutes or so. That little break gave me […] Read more »

Skyrim: Wish you were here (Part 1)

It’s been almost a week since Bethesda Game Studios’ epic juggernaut of an RPG hit the shelves and I’ve got to ask, have you picked up your copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim yet? To that end, have you ridden across the tundras of the north, scaled the highest peaks of ice or delved […] Read more »

WWE ’12 E3 preview build impressions

I’ve never been a big fan of pro wrestling and their associated games, so I was more than a little apprehensive when I got the chance to try a preview build of WWE ’12 — especially after my experience with the train wreck for controls Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 had — at the Epicsoft offices a couple weeks […] Read more »

NCIS: The Video Game – a review

Grab your gear, probie. By probie, I mean you. It’s go time and for the rest of your stay here, you’re going to be following the lead of Very Special Agent Antho — *headslap* …I mean Special Agent Gibbs. Well? What’re you waiting for, probie? Get moving, before you get a headslap of your very […] Read more »

Revisiting Fallout: New Vegas

The scorching sun, an endless irradiated desert, warbands of chem-fueled raiders, the sights and sounds of the Strip, a war between the Bear and the Bull and in the middle of it all, the Courier. Such is the Mojave Wasteland that I once walked, loved, hated and now miss. Although a year has passed since I […] Read more »

Fhtagn! Cthulhu Saves the World review

Videogames based on Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos are nothing new, but Cthulhu Saves the World is the first game to cast the deity in a satirical RPG setting. The story is every bit as ludicrous as the game’s title suggests, parodying and paying homage to both Lovecraft’s works and classic JRPGs. CStW is one […] Read more »

Battlefield 3 PC multiplayer review

Battlefield 3 was released last Tuesday, and if you were to believe the marketing DICE and EA have put out, is the best multiplayer military shooter experience of the year. But is there any substance to the marketing, and is any of the hype justified? And how about this Battlelog monster that so many people are […] Read more »